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Casting ID: #424  

director: eirini konstantinidou. casting is now taking place for 'mnemophrenia', a no-budget science fiction film. the story takes place in three different time periods, the first two parts have been already made and now preparing for the last part. the story is written but the filmmaker wishes to create a shooting script through improvisation workshops with the 2 actors. the intention is to then shoot this section of the film starring these actors. this is a low-tech conceptual story which concentrates on subtle, naturalistic acting. the actors need to be experienced and skilled in dramatic improvisation and be able to commit to roughly couple of hours of workshops per week from mid-june, which can be flexible around the schedules of the participants. the actual shoot will be 6-7 days sometime in autumn 2015. storyline of third part: robyin is one of the first people to get a brain-implanted microchip that records every living experience, the ability heightened by mnemophrenia. she is diagnosed with an unrelated terminal blood disease - it’s a devastating blow; but her research helps her to stay optimistic and gives her a reason to fight. robyin, obviously a big proponent of mnemophrenia from the start, comes to believe that this new way of being could lead to ultimate human transcendence.

Key Details


United Kingdom


Start Date

Tuesday, 02 Jun 2015


Wednesday, 02 Sep 2015

Casting ID: #424


Director: Eirini Konstantinidou. Casting is now ta

Gender: Male
Age: 0-0
Payment: Paid
Expenses: No
Experience Requirement:

Director: Eirini Konstantinidou. Casting is now ta

Gender: Female
Age: 0-0
Payment: Paid
Expenses: No
Experience Requirement:

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